Teresa Nogueira Pinto

Teresa Nogueira Pinto is an African affairs expert. She earned her PhD in global studies from the department of social and human sciences at Nova University in Lisbon with a thesis entitled “Presidents for Life in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Cases of Zimbabwe and Rwanda.”
Ms. Nogueira Pinto has a masters degree in international relations from the Institute for Political Studies of the Portuguese Catholic University. Her thesis was on the Rwandan Genocide: A Genocide among Neighbours: Justice, Power and Survival in Rwanda.
She has a political science degree from the Catholic University of Lisbon.
Ms. Nogueira Pinto was a visitor researcher at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., in 2007, where she studied the origins of American neo-conservatism. She also worked as an intern at the political department of the Portuguese Embassy in Algiers.